Instructor-Led Training (Live)

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Security


This course will explore the ever-changing ChatGPT ecosystem, which is an interactive Artificial Intelligence (AI) Machine Learning (ML) system that generates human-readable text to interact with us. ChatGPT can be a valuable tool for organizations and individuals who want to find and fix security vulnerabilities. However, in the wrong hands, the service can become a dangerous tool for hackers. This course provides students with hands-on labs to lay the foundation required to start using ChatGPT and other OpenAI models for assessing the security posture of your organization. Students learn how to access sensitive information, conduct attacks, inject malicious prompts that bypass preventative programming by the model creators, and how models can be used to hack.

  • Identify and describe the technology used behind ChatGPT
  • Identify and define various artificial Intelligence AI, machine learning (ML) Models
  • Analyze and assess systems using ChatGPT
  • Describe various online scams that are facilitated by ChatGPT and other models
  • Explain the key role of OpenAI’s ChatGPT and how it may change the way we think and work
  • Describe how AI can be abused and outline safety measures to prevent such abuse
  • Evaluate markers or indicators of content that was developed using AI
  • Describe the future of AI in offensive and defensive computing circles
  • Analyze and assess various AI models
  • Apply and demonstrate knowledge of how AI can impact information security in the real world by completing hands-on lab exercises


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