Course AWR-177-W

Web-based Training (Self-Paced)

Information Risk Management


This Information Risk Management course addresses topics related to information assets, identifying risks and management processes. Receive training on information risk-related tools and technologies for better understanding of potential threats and vulnerabilities in online business. Learn best practices and how to apply levels of security measures.

  • Demonstrate understanding of the concept of risk
  • Demonstrate understanding of the concept of hazard
  • Demonstrate understanding of the concept of threat
  • Demonstrate understanding of the concept of vulnerability
  • Demonstrate understanding of the goal of information security risk management
  • Demonstrate understanding of the components of information security risk management
  • Demonstrate understanding of the distinctions between business continuity planning and risk management
  • Describe information security stakeholders
  • Describe the steps in the risk context process
  • List and describe the basic types of IT components
  • List the main hardware asset attributes that may be used in an asset inventory system
  • List the main procedure asset attributes that may be used in an asset inventory system
  • Describe human asset attributes that may be used in an asset inventory system
  • List the main methods used to collect asset inventory data


Target Audience

Managers and other decision makers who need an understanding of how to mitigate risks from IT sources. Also, IT personnel that requires an understanding of formal risk management and mitigation theory.


Some knowledge of business IT and disaster recovery are desirable but not required.

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