Course AWR-376

Instructor-Led Training (Live)

Understanding Targeted Cyber Attacks


This course provides participants with specific information regarding targeted cyber attacks, including advanced persistent threats. This information will place them in a better position to plan and prepare for, respond to and recover from targeted cyber attacks. Understanding Targeted Cyber Attacks will fill the gap in threat-specific training for cybersecurity as a community-driven course that focuses on the phases of targeted cyber attacks and the attacker methods used during each phase. Participants will also receive valuable information on cyber attack prevention, mitigation and response.

  • Understand basic concepts related to a targeted cyber attack
  • Explain the importance of confidentiality, integrity and availability to cybersecurity
  • Define targeted cyber attacks and advanced persistent threats (APT)
  • Discover how attackers use reconnaissance techniques to gather information on individual and organizations
  • Evaluate personality types and their susceptibility to social engineering techniques
  • Recommend strategies for preventing and mitigating targeted cyber attacks utilized during the reconnaissance phase
  • Explain how targeted cyber attacks progress after the initial breach has occurred
  • Recommend strategies for the preparation for, response to, and recovery from a targeted cyber attack
Target Audience

Emergency management, emergency responders, risk management personnel, planners, critical infrastructure representatives from both private and public sectors, information security and cybersecurity personnel and managers, other personnel responsible for identifying and responding to cyber incidents, and those who are involved in developing organizational strategies.


There are no prerequisites, but participants are recommended to have successfully completed the following: AWR-136: Essentials of Community Cybersecurity and AWR-173-W: Information Security Basics.

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