Course AWR-421

Instructor-Led Training (Live)

Demystifying Cyber Attacks


This course, through discussion, pre-recorded attacks and live example attacks, will demystify common cyber attacks for non-technical participants. Participants will also learn how common cyber attacks can be disrupted at various points of the cyber kill chain using various mitigation and response strategies.  

Upon successful completion of this course, participants will have a better understanding of the progression of common cyber attacks; and, where and how they can be prevented or disrupted. 

  • Recognize threat actors and threat vectors
  • Identify the steps in the Cyber Kill Chain
  • Recognize how attackers gather and use information
  • Explain common cyber attacks 
  • Identify strategies for mitigating and disrupting various cyber attacks


Target Audience

Non-technical federal, state, local, regional, tribal, and territorial government officials; business leaders; managers; and employees who have an interested in improving cybersecurity in their organizations.

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