Instructor-Led Training (Live)

Community-Level Cybersecurity Planning and Training Gap Analysis


Designed as a collaborative community approach to identifying the gaps in cyber plans and the training needed in cybersecurity for all levels of community personnel and local critical infrastructure partners.

At the end of this course, participants will be able to conduct a community cybersecurity gap analysis resulting in a cybersecurity training plan for all levels of community personnel and local critical infrastructure partners.


  • Identify and assess the cybersecurity risk for his/her particular community
  • Develop a community profile defining key people, capabilities and resources needed for community cybersecurity preparedness and resiliency
  • Evaluate cybersecurity plans to identify gaps affecting community resiliency and potential cascading impacts to the community associated with a sophisticated cyber-attack
  • Assess gaps in their cybersecurity training and prepare a training action plan for their community
Target Audience

Multi-disciplined personnel at the community or jurisdictional level including government administrative, emergency management, emergency services and critical infrastructure.

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