Instructor-Led Training (Live)

Critical Thinking and Risk Management in a Cyber-Converged World


This survey course enables leaders to define and determine business risk related to cybersecurity in a multi-dimensional environment. Students are exposed to complex analysis and decision-making with consideration of converged catalysts (e.g., cyber, physical, informational) impacting operations. They will gain an appreciation for a standard taxonomy and introduced to methods to calculate risk. The course is based on Factor Analysis of Information Risk (FAIR) but does not purport to cover FAIR in its entirety.

At the end of this course, students will apply risk management techniques to identify and measure risk to their organization from multi-faceted threats incorporating cyber, physical and other means.

  • Recognize methods for formalized decision-making processes.
  • Utilize a common language taxonomy for risk management.
  • Understand methods for calculating and measuring risk.
Target Audience

All users, management, and information technology practitioners.



(802) 485-2213

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