Web-based Training (Self-Paced)

Cybersecurity in Cloud Environments


The proliferation of cloud computing continues to grow as organizations look to reduce the cost of operating and maintaining traditional information technology (IT) data centers and associated IT resources. Cloud computing service providers, such as Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud, focus on securing their underlying infrastructure, but it is the responsibility of each organization and user to provide security protections for the payloads they deploy.

As emerging threats increase, the Cloud is a major target for cybercriminals and state-sponsored advance persistent threats. Implementing proper security controls is paramount to adequately protecting organizational and personal data. Each Cloud service provider has bespoke architecture models. As a result, organizations and users need to understand these environments; understand the applicable threats, vulnerabilities and inherent risks; and understand how to securely configure, operate and manage their Cloud-based resources.

To overcome the limitation and drawbacks of existing approaches and to fill in technical gaps, this web-based course includes topics such as understanding different cloud security architectures; emerging threats to cloud security; and how to properly configure and manage cloud-based assets to protect them against compromise.

  • Explain basic cloud security architectures.
  • Assess levels of risk and recent vulnerabilities that apply to cloud services.
  • Describe common cloud configuration weaknesses.
  • Develop secure cloud design strategies.
  • Select appropriate security measures for a simple cloud service.
  • Associate user roles with appropriate entities deploying or using a cloud service.
  • Learn and apply basic network security techniques in a cloud environment.
  • Build essential cloud security awareness.
Target Audience

Technical and non-technical personnel in key roles including cybersecurity and information technology professionals, leadership, and organizational decision makers, State, Local, Tribal and Territorial (SLTT) emergency responders and end users. These include, but are not limited to, people in the following industries: Emergency Management Agency, Finance & Administration, Health Care and Emergency Medical Services, Fire Service, Public health, Public Safety Communications, Human Resources, Information Technology (IT), Risk Management, Law Enforcement, and Legal.

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