Web-based Training (Self-Paced)

Cybersecurity Issues in Distributed Energy Resources (DER’s)


Awareness level course designed to provide Distributed Energy Resources related cybersecurity training, education and outreach program in order to address the technical needs of future workforce and industry professionals in energy/utility. This course will assess the current state of cybersecurity standards and develop methods for the grid-connected DERs under cyber threats for enhanced resiliency by applying appropriate physics-driven real-time monitoring and advanced data analytics, including machine learning and artificial intelligence on observed data.

Students will understand various cyberattacks and detecting cybersecurity vulnerabilities and solutions for various components of the distributed energy resources (DERs). Participants will be able to develop incident response guidelines and procedures for mitigating cyber risks on the cyber-physical components.

  • Students will be aware of cyberattacks on the distributed energy resources (DERs).
  • Students will understand the need of SCADA systems, smart inverters, energy storage, and various controllers for the DERs.
  • Students will learn the best security monitoring and protection for industrial SCADA systems.
  • Students will be able to understand resiliency driven defense mechanisms for the system under coordinated cyberattacks.
Target Audience

Various stakeholders, such as local, state and federal governments, and industry professionals including future technical leaders.




(901) 678-4271

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