Course MGT-456

Instructor-Led Training (Live)

Integration of Cybersecurity Personnel into the Emergency Operations Center for Cyber Incidents

Traditionally, cybersecurity is the responsibility of each organization individually using their own information security and technology personnel to manage threats. However, the physical consequences of a cyber incident are a shared responsibility that involves all levels of government, law enforcement, the private sector and other “stakeholders”. With this shared responsibility, there is a clear need to bring IT professionals and traditional emergency management personnel together to prepare for, respond to, and recover from the impacts of a cyber incident.

The course is designed to assist jurisdictions at all response levels (i.e., local, state, tribal, territorial, private industry) with coordinating and managing response efforts between emergency response organizations and critical infrastructure cybersecurity personnel, necessary as a result of a cyber incident. The course will help to ensure that traditional emergency management personnel and cybersecurity personnel recognize the importance of working together to mitigate the effects of a cyber incident. This course utilizes the Emergency Management Exercise System (EM*ES) incident simulation software, which provides many features that resemble or imitate actual incident management systems.

The goal is for participants to be able to integrate cybersecurity personnel into the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) to better manage a cyber incident.


Course Objectives
  • Explain aspects of cyber incidents
  • Examine the management structure of the EOC
  • Examine cyber incident management activities
  • Interpret the EOC management process
  • Manage the coordinated response efforts for simulated cyber incidents within an activated EOC


Target Audience

Personnel assigned to work in the jurisdiction’s emergency operations center, policymakers, elected and/or appointed officials, emergency responders, information security and cybersecurity personnel and managers responsible for identifying and responding to cyber incidents for local government and private industry, and critical infrastructure representatives from both private and public sectors.


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