Course PER-256

Instructor-Led Training (Live)

Comprehensive Cybersecurity Defense


Comprehensive Cybersecurity DefenseĀ  (formerly: Comprehensive Cyberterrorism Defense) is a basic-level course designed for technical personnel who monitor and protect our nation’s critical cyber infrastructure. The course introduces students to cyber-defense tools that will assist them in monitoring their computer networks and implementing cybersecurity measures to prevent or greatly reduce the risk of a cyber-based attack. This course integrates hands-on computer lab applications to maximize the student’s learning experience.

Upon completion of the course, participants will have an increased understanding of the historical perspectives, network design and emerging methodologies in computer hacking.

  • Effectively protect computer networks by a survey of the following: planning and preparation of defenses, installation and administration of defenses, hardening network defenses, monitoring defenses, and testing and modifying defense
  • Define and establish a secure computing and network environment within their respective organizations, and across and within partner organizations
  • Understand the vast number of various mobile devices and the unique challenges this presents because of inadequate processing power, memory and security oversight
  • Understand methods to harden their computers and network devices that use WiFi technologies
  • Understand and implement specific security methods and technologies that will assist in providing defense in depth to computing and network environments
  • Understand the methods and processes that can be used to monitor defense mechanisms for signs of intrusion attempts and to validate that those defense mechanisms are working appropriately
Target Audience

Technical personnel and technical managers within the public or private sectors affiliated with an agency or organization considered as part of our nation’s critical infrastructure.

Mobile Training Lab

This course is delivered using an easily transportable, laptop training center that operates via wired and wireless network technologies. This laptop training lab can be shipped and set up for training anywhere in the U.S. on short notice. Each laptop is installed with various operating systems and virtual machines to heighten the participants’ awareness, test their preparation methods, and educate them on the cutting edge threats used during cyber-terrorist attacks.

Preferred Prerequisites

This course is an intermediate level hands-on course where knowledge and experience is required. Participants should have a minimum of two years’ experience as a system or network administrator, or as an IT security specialist. Any experience with penetration testing, plus a minimum of three years’ experience as a system or network administrator or an IT security specialist is preferred.



(501) 570-8058

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