Course PER-418

Instructor-Led Training (Live)

Network Traffic Analysis


This course will train students to conduct traffic analysis on their internal networks by doing a “deep-dive” into network traffic analysis using Wireshark and other tools to identify regular and anomalous network traffic. It will teach techniques necessary to identify network attacks by context and type.

You will be introduced to a wide variety of network traffic analysis information and methods. This course is delivered in a mobile training lab, using laptops that are preconfigured with hands-on exercises that immerse students in real-world examples.


Course Objectives
  • Understand network traffic types and identifying attacks against their networks, as well as allowing them to identify internal hazards
  • Discussions and hands-on exercises will familiarize the students with Wireshark and other Network analysis tools


Target Audience

Technical personnel and technical managers within the public and private sectors affiliated with an agency or organization considered as part of the nation’s critical infrastructure.



(501) 570-8058

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